
TiO_2-PVP纳米复合材料的制备、表征及其性能 被引量:1

Preparation,charaterization and property of TiO_2-PVP nanocomposites
摘要 文章通过在PVP的存在下水解TiCl4,再经过高压釜分别于140℃和180℃处理8 h制备TiO2-PVP纳米复合材料,并用红外光谱(IR)、X-Ray衍射(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)对其进行表征。结果表明,PVP是通过C=O键中的氧原子吸附在TiO2上,TiO2-PVP中的TiO2是锐钛矿型。紫外可见吸收光谱表明,经过胶溶并用高压釜在140℃下处理得到的TiO2-PVP制成的薄膜在紫外区有较强的吸收。 TiO2-PVP nanocomposites were prepared by the hydrolysis of TIC14 in the presence of PVP, and the hydrolysates were heated at 140℃ and 180℃ in a Teflon-lined, stainless steel autoclave for 8 hours respectively. The TiO2-PVP nanocomposites were characterized by IR, XRD and TEM.The results showed that PVP was adsorbed to TiO2 through the O atoms of the C=O bonds,and the nanocrystalline TiO2 of TiO2-PVP nanocomposites was anatase phase. The UV-Vis absorption spectra of the TiO2-PVP nanocomposite film were measured, which showed that the film of TiO2-PVP nanocomposites prepared by peptization at 140 ℃ absorbed ultraviolet light well.
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期1260-1262,共3页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology:Natural Science
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(2006CB202600)
关键词 TIO2 PVP 纳米复合材料 TiO2 PVP nanocomposite
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