目的:观察西宁地区高脂血症患者体内同型半胱氨酸的(Hcy)水平。方法:在海拔2 260m西宁地区对112例高脂血症患者和101例健康人进行了Hcy的含量测定并进行了对比分析。结果:与健康人比较,高脂血症患者体内的Hcy含量明显升高(P<0.01)。结论:在西宁地区高脂血症患者体内存在着明显的高Hcy血症,这可能是加速高脂血症及其并发症发生与发展的重要原因之一。
Objective:To observe the changes of Honocysteine (Hcy) level of the patients with Hyperlipidemia in xining area. Methods: All subjects were divided into the Hyperlipidemia group (n = 112)and the healthy control group (n = 101 ). Level of honocysteine was measured by ELISA using Unirersal Microppate Reder Elx800. Results: The level of honocysteine was significandy higher in the Hyperlipidemia group than that in healthy control group ( P 〈0.01 ). Conclusions: Hcy level of the patients with Hyperlipidemia is higher,this would be the developing reason of Hyperlipidemia.
Qinghai Medical Journal