香港从1973年开始构建综合交通研究(Comprehensive Transport Study,CTS)模型,发展至今其可靠性和高精度已为业内所公认,也代表了当今世界最先进的水平,目前最新版本为CTS-3。本文通过对比香港CTS-3和CTS-2的交通模型技术报告,分析了近10年香港CTS交通模型的变化和发展趋势,并对广州市交通模型发展情况进行了总结,着重分析广州现况交通模型与香港CTS-3模型的不同,为广州市今后交通模型维护与修正提供借鉴经验。
Hong Kong CTS (comprehensive traffic study) Model has been developing from 1973, its reliability and high precision was well known by traffic engineers. The model represents the state-of- art, and now the latest edition is CTS-3. This paper analyzed the changes and trends of CTS model in the past 10 years by comparing technological report of CTS-3 with CTS-2. In addition, summarized Guangzhou traffic model developing procedure, and then analyzed the difference between Guangzhou existing traffic model and CTS-3 model, gave the advanced experiences of maintain and calibration for Guangzhou traffic model.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology