
家犬额叶出血模型的建立及颅内压监测 被引量:1

Establishment of frontal intracerebral hemorrhage model in mongrel canines and ICP monitoring
摘要 目的建立一种存活时间长且简单易行的额叶脑出血(ICH)模型,并运用该模型研究ICH后ICP变化特点。方法选择雄性成年家犬12只,随机分为ICH组和生理盐水注入对照组,每组6只。运用Medtronic神经导航系统校正额叶注血部位及角度建立家犬额叶ICH动物模型,监测血糖、血气分析、脑温,并观察模型制备前1h和模型制备后2、6、24h3、7、14d动物行为学及ICP,以及实验结束时脑组织病理学变化。结果两组所监测血糖、血气分析和脑温差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);与对照组比较,ICH组动物行为学改变表现更重;ICH模型制备后2h,两组均出现ICP峰值,之后逐渐下降,对照组3d即恢复正常,而ICH组至14d ICP仍明显高于基线数值(P〈0.05)和对照组(P〈0.01);ICH组血肿周围脑水肿和神经元损伤较对照组严重。结论本实验建立的家犬额叶ICH模型可以较好反映ICH后ICP变化过程。 Objective Objective:Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) leads bad prognosis and high rate of morbility and mortality to patients. Because of the ICH model of the deep part of temporal lobe with short-time survival and nursing difficulty, we established a frontal ICH model with high survival rate and easy to breed, and the characteristics of intraeranial pressures (ICP) in both groups were investigated. Methods ( 1 ) Twelve adult male mongrel canines ( 11-17 kg) were divided randomly into ICH group ( n = 6) and saline injected control group ( n = 6 ). ICH model was established by 3 ml unanticoagulated autologous blood injected in the right frontal lobe ,while saline instead in control group;( 2 ) Some essential biochemistry and physiology conditions such as blood glucose, blood gas analysis and brain temperature were monitored to reduce the deviation of the experiment ; ( 3 ) Animal' s behaviors were estimated and ICP were measured at 1st h pre-ICH and 2nd h,6th h,24th h,3rd day,7th day, 14th day post-ICH, and pathological examinations were performed at 14th day post-ICH. Results ( 1 ) There were no statistical differences between two groups in blood glucose, blood gas analysis and brain temperature ; (2) Some animals had tachypnea and spasticity of posterior limb immediately after ICH, and other symptoms including reaction torpidity, dull, anorexia, fear, phylaxis and brutalism, which were more obviously in ICH group than those in control group; (3) ICP in both groups reached the peak at 2 h after ICH. In control group, ICP was lowered to the normal 3 days later,but in ICH group,ICP lowered more slowly than in control group ( P 〈 0.05 ) and was significantly higher than the normal level ( P 〈0.01 ) by 14 clays ; (4) The pathological examination at day 14 showed that hemorrhage cave could be found in the right frontal lobe in ICH group, in which small residual hemorrhage with moderate mass effect could be seen. Different to ICH group,there were only capsular spaces in the frontal lobe without hematoma in control group. Peri-hematoma brain edema and neuronal lesions appeared in both groups,but more obviously in ICH group. Conclusion The experimental frontal ICH model in mongrel canines can be used to study the characteristics of ICE after ICH.
出处 《中华实验外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期989-992,共4页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
基金 解放军“十一五”课题资助项目(06Z037、06MB241)
关键词 额叶脑出血 模型 动物 颅内压 Frontal intracerebral hemorrhage Model, animal Intracranial pressure
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