

Formal Method Research on Hierarchical Composition for Connectors
摘要 连接器是软件体系结构设计和开发的一级实体。针对已有的体系结构描述语言难以有效提供连接器的重用,从而使得连接器的建模和分析面临较大的困难和挑战的问题,提出了一种连接器层次组合的形式化方法。该方法以体系结构描述语言Wright为基础,将一个连接器层次化定义为一个体系结构配置。实例表明,它能为连接器提供一种增量式的开发方式,从而能适用于体系结构重用的目的。还使用CSP符号给出了层次组合连接器的形式语义。 As first-class entities in software architecture design and development, connectors are key determinants ot system functions and properties. A critical issue for modeling and analysis of connectors is that the existing ADLs is difficult to support their reuse, which results in great difficulties and challenges. A formal method for the hierarchical composition of connectors' specification was proposed based on WRIGHT, an architectural description language. And it is characterized by defining a con- nector as a full configuration. Examples show that it provides a mechanism for designing connectors in an incremental way, which is available for software architecture reuse. Still, the formal semantics for the hierarchical composition of connectors was defined using CSP notation.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》 CAS 2008年第4期591-595,共5页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Information & Management Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60473066)
关键词 连接器 层次组合 WRIGHT 重用 connector hierarchical composition Wright reuse
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