The free Ca2+ ion is believed to play a major role in gallstone pathogenesis in the biliary tract. This study was.performed to determine if quantitative and/or qualitative differences are present in gallbladder bile from patients withand without gallstones, and to determine the major factors which innuence free Ca2+ ion concentrations in humanbile. In order to do this, gallbladder bile from 30 patients with gallstones was compared with gallbladder bile from20 patients without gallstones. The results show that the concentrations of the free Ca2+ ion and MGP in the bile ofthe gallstone patients were elevated, TCA and TCDCA increased, and GCDCA decnaed. No significant differenceswere found in the total bile acid concentration in patients with and without gallstones. Multi-factor analysis indicatedthat the two ma jor factors that influence free Ca2+ ion concentration in bile are the total bile acid concentration andthe bile acid compositlon. We hypothesize that the observed increase in free Ca2+ ions results from changes in bileacid composltion which decrease the binding capacity of bile with ionized calcium in the bile of gallstone patients.
China Journal of Modern Medicine