The change of the shareholding structure of the TNC in China includes two sectors. One is the sole - invested tendency in the general change, while the other is the change of the inner ownership structure in the joint ventures. Analyzing from the three angles of the number of investment projects, the amount of the agreement investment and that of the actual investment, the tm'ning points on the changing curves of the ownership structure diverge from each other. The solely - owned tendency of the agreement investment is slower than that of the project number, and the tendency of the actual investment is slower than that of the agreement investment. Therefore there exists the rational lagging period among the three sectors. The foreigners have obvious intention to be shareholders when they want to add the investment, but the tendency is very weak. That indicates not only the foreigners also keep the joint preference, but also the Chinese sectors have enough capital and some degree of the game capacity. Although the joint ventures are unstable, but it is impossible for all of them to develop into the proprietors. There is a beneficial equilibrium in the inner of the joint ventures. For the foreigners, whether to solely invest or not is decided by the performance of that venture. While for the Chinese sectors, it may resist the tendency of the sole investment by adding their investment simultaneously.
Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College
transnational corporations(TNC)
foreign -invested enterprises in China
shareholding structure
initial selection
successive change