
高分子表面微纳米结构的构筑及应用 被引量:1

Construction of Micro-and Nano-structured on Polymer Surfaces and its Applications
摘要 近年来,纳米科技在高分子材料上的应用给高分子科学和材料的发展注入了新的活力。高分子材料表面微纳米结构与材料的性能密切相关,其微纳米结构结合高分子材料本身丰富多彩的特性,在材料科学、微电子学以及细胞生物学等方面都有重要的科学意义和应用价值。目前关于高分子材料表面微纳米结构的构筑已有大量报道,涉及的实验方法和材料非常广泛,大体上可以分为模板法和非模版法。在运用中往往需要综合利用高分子的各种特性和多种实验方法。本文以构筑方法分类,综述了近十几年来在高分子表面构筑微纳米结构的研究进展,对其应用前景做了简要介绍。 The polymer properties are close related to its surface micro- and nano structures, which is the connection of the inner and outer environment. The surface micro- and nano-structure may also provide novel properties to a traditional polymer. With the rapid development of nanotechnology, various approaches have been applied on polymer materials to achieve desired structures down to nano-size. These works have show great value in both fundamental research and practical application in the field of materials science and engineering, micro- electronics and cellular biology, etc. The preparation of the micro- and nano- structure on polymer surface can be generally divided as template and none template method. The preparation of micro-and nano-structured polymer surface can be generally regarded as template or none template method.
作者 曹新宇 江雷
出处 《高分子通报》 CAS CSCD 2008年第8期123-133,共11页 Polymer Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金(50573082 20774101) 国家973计划(2007CB936403) 国家863计划(2007AA03Z327)
关键词 表面结构 微纳 纳米 Surface Micro-structure Nano-structure
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