
2007年甘孜州雅江县甲肝暴发疫情调查 被引量:2

Investigation on An Outbreak of Hepatitis A in Yajiang County in 2007
摘要 目的查明甲肝暴发原因和传播途径,分析流行因素,评价控制效果。方法对每例患者进行个案调查,了解病例三间分布;调查30名住院儿童患者甲肝疫苗接种情况。结果该次甲肝暴发疫情共发病104人,15岁以下儿童占发病的87.5%;30例住院儿童甲肝疫苗接种率为0。结论此次甲肝暴发的传播途径为日常生活接触,及时发现、报告和隔离患者,加强对公共场所的消毒和甲肝防治知识宣传,提高甲肝疫苗接种率是控制甲肝暴发的有效措施。 Objective To identify the cause and transmission route of hepatitis A, to analyse the epidemic factors and to evaluate the control effect. Method Case survey was made. The vaccination state of 30 hospitalized children cases was in vestigated. Results 104 hepatitis A cases occurred in the outbreak, and 87.5% cases were children 〈 15 years old. No hepatitis A vaccination history found among 30 hospitalized children cases. Conclusion This outbreak of hepatitis A is transmitted by daily life contact, timely detection, reporting and isolation of patients, strengthening the disinfection of public places, hepatitis prevention knowledge propaganda, and enhancement of hepatitis A vaccination would be effective measure to contol an outbreak of hehatitis A.
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2008年第9期701-703,共3页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 日常生活接触传播 流行特征 接种率 Contact transmission Epidemic characteristics Vaccination rate
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