
男同性恋者艾滋病检测影响因素结构方程模型分析 被引量:4

Analysis on Influencing Factors of HIV Test Among Male Homosexuality Under Structural Equation Model
摘要 目的通过建立结构方程模型,阐明男同性恋者参与HIV检测的影响因素。方法在天津市某同性恋网站招募829名男同性恋者进行网上问卷调查,采用结构方程模型对数据进行拟合与评估。结果男同性恋参与HIV检测的促进因素为:社会地位、性伴数、AIDS危险评价、低危性方式和高危性方式,其标准化效应系数分别为0.326、0.180、0.112、、0.041和0.014;阻碍因素为AIDS传播途径、非传播途径知识,标准化效应系数为-0.012、-0.016,其中一些因素还通过AIDS危险评价对HIV检测产生间接影响。模型整体拟合效果良好,GFI=0.954、AGFI=0.943、RMSEA=0.035。结论MSM对自身危险行为的评价是促使其参与HIV检测的关键。社会地位、AIDS知晓情况、性行为均通过AIDS危险评价对是否参与HIV检测产生影响,因此在针对干预中系统地传播AIDS防治知识的同时,应指导MSM能够准确的评估自身行为的危险,以促进其参与HIV检测。 Objective To investigate influencing factors of HIV test among men who have sex with men (MSM) under structural equation model. Methods 829 of MSM were recruited at a homosexual website and complete electronic questionnaire through Internet. The data were analyzed, fittled and evaluated by structural equation model. Results Promoting factors of HIV test were social status, number of sex partner, AIDS risk assessment, safe and danger sex behavior. The standard effect indexes were 0. 326, 0. 180, 0. 112, 0. 041 and 0. 014 respectively. The knowledge on AIDS transmitting and non-transmitting way hindered the probability of HIV test with the standard effect index of - 0. 012, - 0. 016 and some factors affected HIV test through AIDS risk assessment. The goodness of fit for the structural equation model was satisfactory. GFI, AGFI, RMSEA was 0. 954, 0. 943 and 0. 035. Conclusion Assessing the risk level of sex behavior of MSM played a key role in promoting them to take HIV test. The factors of social status, AIDS perception and sex behavior affected HIV test through assessing the risk level of sex behavior. So it is important to direct MSM to assess risk level of their sex behavior for promoting HIV test.
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2008年第10期805-807,共3页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 男同性恋者 HIV检测 结构方程模型 Male homosexuality HIV test Structural equation model
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