目的:评价氟马西尼治疗急性苯二氮类药物(benzodiazepines drug,BZD)中毒患者的疗效和安全性。方法:选择我院急诊科急性 BZD 中毒患者54例,随机分为治疗组、对照组各27例,两组患者均给予洗胃、导泻、补液、利尿、吸氧等常规治疗,治疗组应用氟马西尼首剂0.2~0.5mg 静脉注射,如果未转醒,每间隔1分钟追加0.1mg 静脉注射,直至苏醒或总量已达2.0mg,对照组给予乙甲哌啶二酮(美解眠)50mg 缓慢静脉推注,将两组患者治疗前后昏迷程度评分及治疗后清醒时间对比进行统计学分析。结果:应用氟马西尼后在治愈率、总有效率和平均清醒时间上与对照组均有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:氟马西尼可作为治疗急性 BZD 中毒的首选药物之一。
Objective:To evaluate Flumazenil the treatment of acute benzodiazepine drugs (benzodiazepines drug, BZD) in patients with the efficacy and safety. Methods: Hospital emergency department with acute BZD 54 cases of poisoning patients were randomly divided into treatment group and the control group of 27 cases, two patients were given gastric lavage, catharsis, rehydration, diuretic, oxygen and other conventional treatment, the treatment group Application Flumazenil the first of 0. 2 -0. 5 mg intravenous injection, if not to wake up, every one minute interval additional 0. 1 mg intravenous injection, or awake until the total reached 2. 0 mg, the control group B to a piperidine dione ( U. S. Solutions Mian ) 50 mg slow intravenous injection, the two groups before and after treatment in patients with coma score and time after treatment compared to a sober statistical analysis. Results: Flumazenil after the cure rate, the total efficiency and the average time for sober with the control group were significantly different ( P 〈 0. 01 ). Conclusion : fluoride Maxinike BZD as the treatment of acute poisoning one of the preferred drug.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide