目的:观察60例 IgA 肾病患者血清中自细胞介素-12(IL-12)与白细胞介素-15(IL-15)异常表达及其相互作用。方法:经临床和肾活检确诊的住院 IgA 肾病(IgAN)患者60例,按尿蛋白排泄量(upro)的多少分为3组。健康对照组30例。比较3组间血清 IL-12、IL-15之间的相互关系。结果:IgAN 组 IL-2、IL-15较健康对照组明显增高,IL-2、IL-15之间无明显关系。结论:IgAN 组 IL-2、IL-15较健康对照组明显增高。
Objective:To investigate the relationship between IL-12,IL-15 in serum with nephritis patients with destined clinical and blopsy.proven disease AcCording to the proteinuria with or without, three groups. Another 30 healthy volunteers served as controls. Results: IL-12.IL-15 in IgA nephrity were higher than relationship between IL-12 and IL-15. Conclusion: IL-12 ,IL-15 in IgA nephrity were higher than control.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide