二冲程汽油机历来以排污恶劣和油耗高而“著称”,然而意大利比摩塔(Bimota)公司研制投产的 BB500型二冲程摩托车不但排污指标已满足世界上公认最为严格的EPA法规,而且其油耗量比同等功率的四冲程机还要低一些;同时动力强劲,这一排量仅为500mL的发动机的功率高达83.8 kw,它所采用的关键技术就是“B-DI”(比摩塔式燃油直喷)技术。
Two stroke petrol engine features heavy emissions and high fuel consumption. But things are different to BB 500 model 2-stroke engine developed by Italian Bimota,which is one that not only meet the requirement specified in the most strict EPA regulation, but also has lower fuel consumption than that of 4-stroke engine at the same power level. Furthermore, the power of the 500 mL engine is up to 83.8 kW. The reason lies in the fact that the B-DI technique is employed (B-DI refers to Bimota Type Fuel Direct Injection).
Motorcycle Technology