
文献资源整合化建设的思路和实践 被引量:10

The Strategy and Practice of the Integrated Collection Development
摘要 基于供应理论,从资源供应管理的角度出发,提出资源建设应加强渠道建设和供应链管理,对各种来源的信息资源根据用户需求的广度和强度重新布局与组织管理,整合资源采集、资源共享、供应渠道和和服务流程,构建以供应管理为核心的文献资源建设模式。并具体分析用户需求的获取和计量、供应市场的发展状况,提出基于用户需求和供应管理的图书馆资源保障模式。同时,分析中国科学院国家科学图书馆的资源整合化建设实践。 Based on the supply theory, and from the point view of resource supply management, the authors point out that the supply chain establishment and management should be strengthened to promote the collection development in the library. The different information resources (including prints and electronic resources) need to be re-organized and re-distributed, according to the analyses of users' needs, for example, the usage intensity and comprehensiveness. Then, the procedures of acquisition, share, supply chain managment,circulation, and service should be adjusted and integrated into a whole. So, the new model of collection management with the core of supply management may be established. The paper analyzes the collection and measurement of the users' needs, the development situation of the supply markets, puts forward the new model of library collection development on the basis of the users' needs and supply management. Simultaneously, the practice of collection development and integration in the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Science is analyzed.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第9期116-119,147,共5页 Library and Information Service
关键词 资源建设 资源供应管理 整合化 collection development information supply management integration
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