Objective: To compare the hematopoietic reconstitution, incidience of graft versus-host disease (GVHD), transplantation-related complication and clinical outcomes of HLA haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation between intravenous and oral busulfan as conditioning regimens, and observe the efficacy and complications of intravenous busulfan (ivBu) used as conditioning regimen. Methods:Patients were randomly dis tributed into intravenous busulfan (ivBu) group (10 cases) and oral Bu group (10 cases), the clinical results of two groups were compared retrospectively. Results: All the patients were engrafted successfully, compared ivBu group and oral Bu group, the median time of recovery of absolute neutrophil count (≥0.5 × 10^9/L) was 14 days for either ( P 〉0.05), the median time of recovery of BPC (≥ 20 × 10^9/L) was 12 and 13 days, respectively ( P 〉0.05). The incidence of acute GVHD (10.0% vs 50.0%), chronic GVHD (20.0% vs 60.0%) and transplan tation-related complication between ivBu group and oral Bu group all have no statistical significance ( P 〉0.05). Both transplant-related mortality and relapse rate were 10% in ivBu group, whereas those were 0% and 20% respectively in oral Bu group. Conditionging-related toxicity and complications were not significant different between two groups. 1 pateint died of interstitial pneumonia in ivBu group, 1 patient relapsed in ivBu group while 2 pa tients in oral Bu group. 16 patients were alive in a disease-free situation. Conclusion: Hematopoietic reeonstitution, incidienee of GVHD and transplantation-related complication between two groups all have no significant differences. The conditioning regimen of intravenous busulfan combined with cyclophosphamide is relatively easy to ad minister and well tolerated in patients.
Journal of Clinical Hematology
Graft versus host disease