目的:探讨日照市已婚育龄妇女月经初潮时间、月经的规律性、月经周期时间及产后月经恢复情况,进而了解日照市已婚育龄妇女的生育能力,指导产后育龄妇女及时落实避孕节育措施提供参考。方法:根据我国不育症发生率3%左右的水平估计样本量,日照市调查时点22~44岁已婚育龄妇女总人数为449 504人,按3%计算需抽取样本量为14 000对夫妇,按照所设计的表格进行问卷式调查。结果:在调查的13 514名妇女中,月经初潮时间最早10周岁,最晚25周岁,以13~17周岁最多,其中以14、15、16岁更为集中,分别占24.3%、25.7%和23.4%。平均月经初潮时间是14.87岁。在12 973人中,月经周期正常12 112人,占93.36%;月经周期异常(包括不规律和从未来月经的)861人,占6.64%。在调查的人群中,产后3个月内恢复月经的比例为35%,6个月内就达到了64%,只有27%在产后的半年后恢复月经。结论:日照市女性月经初潮年龄逐渐提前,经过20年提前了1年左右。月经周规天数为28、29、30天的分别占27.28%、8.92%、46.26%,合计达82.46%,具有高度的集中特征。产后3个月内恢复月经的比例为35%,半年内达64%(近2/3),必须及时采用避孕节育措施。
Objective : To investigate the menstruation status of married reproductive age women in Rizhao City, including the date of menarche, regularity of menstruation, menstrual cycle span and the menstruation recovery state after parturition, in order to examine the potentia generandi of these women and carry out timely contraception measures. Methods : According to the incidence rate of infertilitas (about 3 % ) in China, 14,000 (3 % ) couples were taken suction for questionnaire from 449,504 couples of 22 -44 years old in Rizhao City. Results: In the survey of 13,514 women, the menarche age varied from 10 to 25 years old, and most were in the range of 13 - 17 years old, of which 14, 15 and 16 years old accounted 24.3% , 25.7% and 23.4% , respectively. The average menarche age was 14.87 years old. Of the 12,973 women, 12,112 (93.36%) women had regular menstrual cycles, 861 (6.64%) women had irregular menstrual cycles or had no menarche. 35% women recov- ered menstruation after parturition in 3 months, 64% recovered in 6 months, and 27% recovered 6 months later. Conclusion: The menarche age is 1 year earlier than the one of 20 years ago in Rizhao City. Menstrual cycle span focuses on 28, 29 and 30 days, which occupy 27.28%, 8.92% and 46.26%, respectively, and 82.46% in total. And contraception should be taken timely according to the fact that 35% of women will recover menstruation after parturition in 3 months, and 64% of women will recover in 6 months.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning
Married reproductive aged women
Potentia generandi