目的了解广东省2001~2005年新生儿破伤风(Neonatal Tetanus,NT)流行病学特征及其影响因素,探讨消除NT策略及措施。方法对NT监测系统数据进行描述流行病学分析。结果广东省2001~2005年共报告NT2832例,主要集中在珠江三角洲和粤西地区,流动人口的NT病例数约占总病例数的72.04%,根据2004~2005年数据分析,73.81%的流动人口NT发生在珠江三角洲地区,占该地区NT总病例数的90.18%;粤西地区本地NT最多,占全省本地NT的39.04%。全年都有发病,6~8月多发,主要发病日龄是2~10d。患儿男性多于女性,男女性别比为2.08:1。患儿以在家由未经培训的人员接生为主,患儿母亲未接受破伤风疫苗免疫或免疫史不详者占99.75%。结论广东省消除NT面临艰巨任务,针对当前情况,在实施有关策略时应进一步加强宣传教育工作,同时注意落实有关措施时的联防联动。
Objective Analyzing NNT epidemiological characteristics and the influeutial factors in Guangdong province from 2001 to 2005 in order to formulate the strategies for elimination NNT. Methods To make descriptive study on the data collected from NNT surveillance system. Results 2832 cases were concentrated in the Pearl River Delta and the west of Guangdong. About 72.04% NNT cases occurred in the migrant children. Through analyzing the data of the year of 2004 and 2005,73.81% of migrant NNT cases occurred in the Pearl River Delta. The cases happened in the Pearl River Delta accounted for 90.18% of whole cases. Most of local cases occurred in the west of Guangdong, which accounted for 39.04% of local cases. The cases occurred all around the year. A seasonal peak of NNT was found from June to August. Most of the onset of disease were during 2~10 days after birth. There were a higher ratio of reported male cases to the female. The ratio was 2. 08 : 1. Most of the NNT cases were happened to the infants who delivered at home and most of the midmives who were responsible for delivery lacked of training. 99.75% mothers did not kown or administe the tetanus toxoid vaccine. Conclusion The elimination of neonatal tetanus is a difficult task in Guangdong province. Publicity to the mass should be strenghtened. The cooperation between sectors should be conducted for NNT eliminodion.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization