
基于总变分的湍流退化噪声图像盲反卷积复原 被引量:1

Blind deconvolution of atmospheric turbulence-degraded images based on total variation
摘要 根据总变分的噪声抑制特性和大气湍流成像过程,建立了基于总变分的大气湍流噪声图像多帧盲反卷积复原最小化模型,以基于共轭梯度数值优化方法的交替迭代算法求解,复原出了观测目标的清晰图像。在计算机上模拟了湍流退化和噪声污染图像。实验结果表明,该复原算法能有效地克服大气湍流和噪声的影响,可复原出清晰的原始目标图像。 According to the imaging of object by atmospheric turbulence and total variation effect in denoising,minimum model of multiframe blind deconvolution of atmospheric turbulence-degraded images based on total variation is proposed.Blurred images by atmospheric turbulence and noise simulated by computer are restored by the algorithm proposed.The result demonstrates that the influence of atmospheric turbulence and noise is eliminated and clear object is restored.
出处 《光学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期525-527,531,共4页 Optical Technique
关键词 图像复原 大气湍流 盲反卷积 总变分 image restoration atmospheric turbulence blind deconvolution total variation
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