
2006-2007年我院门诊吗啡控缓释片利用分析 被引量:1

Analysis of the Use of Morphine Controlled or Sustained-Release Tablets in Outpatients During the Period 2006~2007
摘要 目的:了解和评估我院门诊吗啡控缓释片的应用情况。方法:对2006-2007年我院门诊吗啡控缓释片处方共3 007张进行整理统计,并对用药频度(DDDs)、药物利用指数(DUI)、剂量、给药间隔和给药途径的利用情况进行分析。结果:(1)2006年和2007年我院门诊吗啡控缓释片共有4个制剂,分别是盐酸吗啡缓释片(10mg、30mg)和硫酸吗啡控释片(10mg、30mg),其DUI值介于1.46-2.89之间,硫酸吗啡控释片(30mg)的两个年度DDDs值分别为15887、21256,明显大于其他3个制剂;(2)按季度统计,盐酸吗啡缓释片10mg和硫酸吗啡控释片30mg两个制剂的消耗量呈微幅上升趋势;(3)两年中按给药剂量分类统计,每次给药30mg以下和大于150mg的消耗量各约占总消耗量的1/4,而每次给药30mg以下的实际用药总天数(AUD)占总AUD的64.3%;(4)按给药间隔分类统计,给药间隔为12h的消耗量占88.5%,而给药间隔为6h的占0.6%,但未写明给药间隔的占0.2%;(5)按给药途径统计消耗量,共有口服和直肠给药两种,后者约占1%。结论:2006-2007我院门诊吗啡控缓释片的利用总体合理,但也存在部分处方书写及用法不合理的情况。 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of morphine controlled or sustained - release tablets in outpatients of our hospital. METHODS: A total of 3007 prescriptions were reviewed for an analyze of the utilization of morphine controlled or sustained - release tablets in outpatients of our hospital during the period 2006 - 2007 in respect of DDDs, DUI, dosage, dosing intervals and routes of administration. RESULTS : (1) There are four preparations of morphine controlled or sustained- release tablets in outpatients of our hospital during the period 2006 - 2007, which are morphine sulfate controlled - release tablets (10 mg,30 mg)and morphine hydrochloride sustained - release tablets(10 mg, 30 mg), and their DUI values ranged from 1.46 to 2.89, and the DDDs of morphine sulfate controlled- release tablets (30 mg)stood at 15 887 in 2006 and 21 256 in 2007, which were significantly higher than those of the other three preparations. (2)The quarterly consumption of morphine sulfate controlled - release tablets (30 mg)and morphine hydrochloride sustained - release tablets (10mg)increased slightly. (3)To count the consumption and AUD by dosage, the consumption of those below 30mg or above 150 mg in dosage represented about a quarter of total, and AUD of those below 30 mg in dosage accounted for 64.3% of the total. (4)To count by dosing interval, the consumption of those with dosing interval at 12 hours accounted for 88.5%, and those at 6 hours accounted for 0.6%, and those without writing dosing interval in prescriptions accounted for 0.2% . (5)To count by routes of administration ( orally and per rectum involved), the consumption of those per rectum accounted for about 1% . CONCLUSION: The utilization of morphine controlled or sustained - release tablets in outpatients of our hospital during the period 2006 - 2007 is rational, but some prescriptions are nonstandard in writing and irrational in administration.
出处 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 2008年第7期487-489,共3页 Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
关键词 吗啡 控释 缓释 用药频度 药物利用指数 Morphine Controlled - release Sustained - release DDDs DUI
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