This is a review of the treatment of 30 cases with chest tumor undergoing resection in the past 11years. out of 30 cases 18 were male and 12 were female with their age ranging from 4 to 61. 9 patients had pri-mary malignant neoplasms,3 were affected with metastases,and 18 suffered from benign tumor. All those withbeign tumor receivde complete excision while most malignant cases were treated with wide resection. Recon-struction of the chest wall defect was per formed using prosthetic material in 8 cses. Follow-up visits of 4. 5ytars in average show that recurrent tumor was found in 8 cases, 89% of the patients with benign tumor re-mained alive,while only 44% of the those with malignant tumor were alive. The authors conclude that wide radi-cal chest wall resection with appropriate reconstruction is the key to successful management of chest wall tu-mor.
Chest wall tumor Chest wall reconstruction Surgical treatment