为了最大限度地保存刺槐同源四倍体有性繁殖过程中产生的变异材料资源,对其高度变异和难以萌发的种子进行了促萌试验。结果表明:①种子经温汤浸种可以明显地提高萌发率,90℃温水浸泡24 h,种子平均萌发率为5%、最高5.5%;②用PEG-6000处理刺槐同源四倍体种子时,平均萌发率1.11%、最高3.33%,表现为抑制作用;③5-氮杂胞苷浸种时,药液浓度对萌发率有显著的影响,用250μmol/L的5-氮杂胞苷水溶液处理种子24-48 h为较好处理方案,平均萌发率为5.6%;④种子培养促萌时,用10%H2O2浸泡24 h后转入赤霉素水溶液(3 mg/L)浸泡6h,之后再转入萘乙酸水溶液(15 mg/L)浸泡6 h,接种到MS或1/2MS培养基上促萌效果较好,平均萌发率为5.5%、最高6.0%;⑤将表型正常的种子胚接种到没有附加物的MS培养基上,有部分种子胚萌动后子叶变绿且张开。
In order to preserve the variation materials from autopolyploid of Robinia pseudoacacia to a maximum extent, promotion measures of the seed germination are explored. The results are as follows. 1 ) Dipping seeds in 90℃ water for 24 hours raised significantly the germination rate of seeds. Average germination rate was 5 % and the highest germination rate was 5.5 %. 2) Using PEG treatment, the germination rate dropped down, average germination rate was 1.11% and the highest germination rate was 3.33 %. 3 ) 5-aza cytidine promoted seeds germination. 250/.tmol/L of 5-aza cytidine and 24-48 hours of treatment time were a good project and the average germination rate was 5.6 %. 4) The better process of promoting seed germination by tissue culture was that seeds were dipped in 10% H2O2 for 24 hours, in 5 mg/L GA3 for 6 hours, in 7 mg/L NAA for 6 hours and finally the seeds were inoculated on MS and 1/2MS media. The average germination rate was 5.5% and the highest germination rate was 6.0%. 5) Seed embryos were started and developed with cotyledons opening and changing into green after they were inoculated on MS medium.
Journal of Beijing Forestry University