
一种新颖U形缺陷地结构宽阻带低通滤波器 被引量:4

A Novel Low-Pass Filter of Wide Stop-Band with U-Shaped Defected Ground Structure
摘要 提出了一种通过微带短截线来改变U形缺陷地结构(DGS)截止频率的方法。利用微带短截线和一个U形DGS单元设计了一个宽阻带低通滤波器,并提出通过改变微带短截线的长度来控制该低通滤波器的截止频率的方法。通过仿真比较分析了该低通滤波器与文献中利用一个哑铃形DGS单元和低阻抗微带线方法、级联多个U形DGS单元方法设计的低通滤波器的特性。最后,给出了模拟结果和测试结果,验证了所设计的低通滤波器的有效性。 A novel method is proposed for U-shaped DGS' s cut-off frequency using straight microstrip line in this pa- per. With straight microstrip lines and one U-shaped DGS lattice, a low-pass filter (LPF) of wide stop-band is optimized and designed. And a method about controlling the cut-off frequency of the designed low-pass filter by altering the length of mi- crostrip is proposed. The transmission characteristics of the proposed filter and the filter designed by using a dumb DGS cell with low impedance microstrip line and coupling DGS ceils in literature are presented and discussed. Finally, the simulated and experimental results verify the validity of the proposed LPF.
出处 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期64-67,共4页 Journal of Microwaves
关键词 缺陷地结构 微带线 低通滤波器 截止频率 Defected ground structure, Microstrip, Low-pass filter, Cut-off frequency
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