
垂直专业化下视角的技术创新研究 被引量:1

Technology Innovation Research of Vertical Specialization
摘要 技术是垂直专业化的一个重要变量,与关税、相对要素成本一起,决定着一国乃至整个世界垂直专业化的比重。早期的垂直专业化理论,一般是将技术作为外生变量,重点关注关税和相对要素成本,而最近的理论和经验研究,逐渐采取内生技术的方式来考察技术对垂直专业化的影响。在垂直专业化视角下分析技术创新,应该重点把握国与国之间的技术创新能力差距,即国与国之间的技术替代弹性。从Kai-MuYi的两国动态李嘉图垂直专业化模型出发,将技术创新能力与关税、相对要素成本相结合,分析研究垂直专业化下的技术创新问题。 Technology is a very important variable in vertical specialization. The share of one country and global vertical specialization attributes to technology, tariff and relative factor costs. Previous vertical specialization theories usually treat technology as exogenous variable and pay more attention to tariff and relative factor costs, but recent theories start to analyze the effect of technology, we should focus technology, treating technology as endogenous variable. on technology innovation ability gap, namely technology When we analyze the effect of elasticity of substitution. The paper is based on Kai-Mu Yi dynamic Ricardian trade model, studies technology innovation of vertical specialization with technology innovation ability, tariff and relative factor costs together.
作者 黄晶
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第9期75-80,共6页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
关键词 垂直专业化 技术创新 关税 相对要素成本 vertical specialization technology innovation tariff relative factor costs
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