
探索社会主义市场经济规律的两个基本理论问题——纪念我国经济体制改革30周年的思考 被引量:1

Reflections on Two Basic Issues of the Socialist Market Economic Rules——Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of China's Economic Reformed Opening-up Policy
摘要 总结和探讨改革开放30年来的经验与教训,对进一步深化我国改革开放的发展,具有重要的现实意义。本文仅就带有根本性的基础理论问题做一分析认识。第一,探讨社会主义公有制为主体条件下的市场经济运行规律问题。提出必须破除"另一种教条主义"思想,即"以西方经济理论为准则"来指导我国的改革进程,指出探讨公有制为主体条件下的市场经济运行规律是21世纪面临的不可回避的新课题和历史性挑战。第二,探讨计划经济与市场经济的关系问题。指出马克思主义科学意义上的计划经济真谛,应该是建立在符合客观经济规律基础上,并且反映社会经济规律要求的经济形式。提出拓宽计划经济观念的问题,阐述了计划经济、宏观调控、国家干预三者从根本上说具有同质性。计划经与市场经济相结合是历史必然。第三,对待马克思主义经济理论的继承与发展态度问题。提出要搞清楚两个问题:一个是理论的继承与发展问题,继承是发展的基础,离开继承谈不上真正的发展;一个是哪些经济理论只能继承不存在发展问题,哪些经济理论需要在继承基础上不断发展。 It is of great practical significance to sum up experiences and lessons of the reform and opening--up policy in the past 30 years while China is further deepening the China's reform and opening-up policy. This article analyzes fundamental problems of the basic theory. First, the author discusses the question about market economic rules with public ownership remaining the mainstay of the socialist market economy. It is the author's arguments that "another kind of dogmatism" , Western economic theories being the guidelines to China's reform process, must be broken; that unveiling the economic rule with public ownership as the mainstay of the market economy is an inevitable new question and historic challenge in the 21st century. Second, the author discusses of the question of the relationship between the planned economy and the market economyo It is the author's belief that the true meaning of the planned economy in the sense of Marxist scientific theory should be based on objective economic rules and an economic form reflecting the requirements of socio-economic rules. The author raises the question of broadening the concept of planned economy by elaborating the identical nature of the planned economy, the macro-control and government intervention and the author predicts that the combination of planned economy and market economy is the historical inevitability. Third, the attitude to the inheritance and development of Marxist economic theory. The author proposes to clarify two issues: One is the inheritance and development of the theory, inheritance is the basis for development. Real development of an economic theory is indispensable with inheritance; the other is that which economic theories inheritances descend without development and which economic theories are in the position of developing upon the inheritance. On this basis, the paper advocate for the expression of "develop the Marxist economic theory on the basis of inheritance", rather than the statement that "develop the Marxist theory with the pace of the time".
作者 侯廷智
出处 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期5-13,共9页 Journal of Southwest University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 北京市哲学社会科学"十一五"规划项目"社会主义和谐社会的经济基础研究"(06BaJG032) 项目负责人:侯廷智
关键词 公有制 市场经济 计划经济 劳动价值论 public ownership market economy the planned economy inheritance and development
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  • 1列 宁 著,中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局 编.列宁全集[M]人民出版社,1988.











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