Yongyan or Natural Justice was an important base for the literary school of Song - styled Poems during the Transitional Period from the Qing Dynasty into the Republic of China to have their works published. From 1912 to 1914, the poetry eolunm of Yongyan published over 200 poems of the alleged school, accounting for one third of the total. Shl Yishl Poetry, an important theoretical work of the school, was also published in the magazine. Yongyan started a new era in modem times, producing a group of young scholars, whose names often appeared in the alleged magazine. These poets formed a group of their own free will with Chen Sanli, Zhen Xiaoxu and Chen Yan as their center, extending the llfe of the Song - styled Poems Movement that emerged at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, Yongyan played an important role in the history of the development of the Song - styled Poems School in unifying the self - fighting individuals of the Song - styled Poems School into an influential group.
Journal of University of Science and Technology of Suzhou:Social Science
Liang Qichao
the men of letters of the Song - styled Poems School