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3Clark kerr, Marian L. Gade and Maurccn Kawaoka. Higher Education Cannot Escape History: Is,sues for the Twenty- First Century [ M ]. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994 : 224,224,224.
4The Carnegie Commission on Higher Education. The Purposes and the Perforn:ance of Higher Education in the United States: Approaching the Year 2000 [ R]. MaGraw - Hill Book Company, 1973 : 69,71,73,75,76.
5Lewis B. Mayhew. The Carnegie Commission on Higher Education: A Critical Analysis of the Reports and Recommendations[M]. Jossey Bass, Inc, Publishers, San Fran cisco, California, 1973:121 .
6James A. Perkins, The University in Transition [ M]. Princeton, New Jersey:Princeton University Press, 1966: 49.