
关系营销视角下的供应链管理分析 被引量:2

Supply Chain Management Analysis on Perspective of Relationship Marketing
摘要 建立战略伙伴关系是供应链管理的重点,供应链上下游的企业之间要建立一种长期稳定的、信任与合作的伙伴关系,而关系营销则是供应链上各企业之间合作的保障。本文主要分析了关系营销在供应链管理中的作用和建立良好供应链关系品质的影响因素,并提出了关系营销视角下的供应链管理策略。 The key point for supply chain management is to establish a strategic partnership. It is important to build a long-term trust, co-operative partnership among the supply chain companies, and the relationship marketing is the guarantee for co-operating of these companies. The paper mainly analyzed the function of relationship marketing in the field of supply chain management and the influencing factors to build sound quality of supply chain relationship. Then the paper put forward the tactics of supply chain management from the perspective of relationship marketing.
作者 邱丘
机构地区 安徽财经大学
出处 《北京市经济管理干部学院学报》 2008年第3期28-31,共4页 Journal of Beijing Economic Management Institute
关键词 关系营销 供应链 信任 relationship marketing supply chain trust
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