
影响广东省育龄残疾妇女婚姻因素的调查分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Factors Affected Marriage of Disabled Reproductive Women in Guangdong Province
摘要 目的:探讨影响广东省育龄残疾妇女婚姻的因素。方法:采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法进行问卷调查,收集量化数据分析残疾妇女的婚姻、文化、就业、经济及影响残疾妇女婚姻的因素等。结果:有效调查问卷4 380份,已婚占62.3%,文化程度小学或文盲占55.3%;没有就业的人数占58.1%;家庭人均收入<600元/月占74.0%。残疾女性在婚姻上最大的困难依次为难以找到适合对象(71.1%);缺乏经济能力(62.2%);社会歧视(55.7%)。结论:残疾妇女在婚姻上遇到明显困难,特别是由于缺乏经济能力和受到社会歧视而难以找到合适的对象,提示社会应充分尊重残疾妇女应有的各项权利,与健全人一样的平等地位和机会参与社会,共享经济社会发展成果。 Objective: To observe factors affected marriage of disabled reproductive women in Guangdong province. Methods: To analyze the marriage, educational background, employment, economy and factors affected marriage of disabled women by stratified multistage cluster sampling method, questionnaire, group interview and collecting quantization data. Results: There were 4380 validity questionnaire, 62. 33% married. Most of their educational background was at low degree, and 80.27% of them have graduated below junior high school. 57.90% of them were not employed. Their economy was poor, and per capita income of 53. 31% families was lower than 400 yuan per month. The interviewee thought that difficulties of the marriage of disabled women were difficult to marry a fit man (71.12% ), poor (62.24%), social discrimination (55.68%). Conclusion: The disabled women have difficult in marriage, especially for their poor economy and the social discrimination. The society should respect the right of disabled women, make them participate in the social life and national developments, and enjoy achievement of economic developments as healthy people.
出处 《中国康复》 2008年第4期257-258,共2页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation
基金 广东省科技攻关计划项目 广东省人口计生委资助课题(2006052)
关键词 育龄 残疾妇女 婚姻 因素 reproductive age disabled women marriage
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