
武汉市地铁车站结构的三维地震响应分析 被引量:8

Analysis of 3-D seismic response of subway station structures in Wuhan city
摘要 选取武汉市一地铁车站结构,采用FLAC3D软件建立其三维计算模型,研究100年超越概率为10%的武汉人工波作用下地铁车站结构的三维地震响应。计算结果表明:离车站结构端部1.5倍车站结构宽度的横断面可简化为平面应变问题考虑;车站结构纵向跨中的横截上结构内力及变形均最大,因而按平面问题计算的结构进行结构设计,结构是偏于安全的;地震荷载对柱端弯矩的影响最大,其次是侧墙,对板的影响最小。该研究成果可为武汉市地铁车站结构的抗震设计提供参考。 A 3- D numerical calculation model of subway station structure was established by FLAC3D and the 3- D seismic response of subway station structure was studied under the excitation of Wuhan artificial waves with 10% exceed probability, in 100 years. It is shown from calculation results that : the cross section whose position is 1.5 times of width of station structure away from the end walls can be analyzed by the assumption of plain strain; the maximun values of inner forces and deformation are beth appeared on the cross section, which is in the middle of structure along lognitudinal direction. Therefore, it is safe to design the structure accoding to the results obtained by plain strain assumption; seismic load has maximum effect on the moment of column, second is sidewall and the last was backplane. The study results in the paper can provide reference to the seismic design for subway station structure in Wuhan city.
出处 《铁道科学与工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期74-77,共4页 Journal of Railway Science and Engineering
关键词 地铁车站结构 三维计算模型 地震响应 subway station structure 3- D calculation model seismic response
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