

25-year follow-up of 657 cured multibacillary leprosy patients retreated with multidrug therapy
摘要 目的本文回顾性分析由于氨苯砜(DDS)耐药病人用联合化疗复治情况,并讨论了25a随访后的经验。方法联合化疗复治657例,137例作为对照组。结果620例完成了复治(94.37%),不良反应轻,麻风反应发生率不高,具有良好的顺从性和耐受性。复治组3例复发,累计复发率0.48%,1000人年复发率为0.269,与对照组相比有非常显著差异(P〈0.001)。而且此3例属于晚期复发,最早1例也在DDS单疗后38a、复治后13a复发,而对照组呈现早中期复发,平均潜伏期(6.22+3.60)a,二者差异明显。结论复治大大地降低了DDS单疗治愈后的复发率,易于接受。作者认为由于持久菌的晚期复发,麻风的防治是一个长期任务。 Objective to analyze retrospectively the role of retreatment on decreasing relapse rate of DDS-cured multibacillary leprosy patients. Methods 657 cases were retreated with multidrug therapy, and 137 cases were as control. Results 620 cases (94.37%) had completed to retreat with mild side effects and lower occurrence rate of leprosy reaction, showing well-compliant and well-tolerated. It was founded that accumulated relapse rate and relapse per person-years revealed statistically significant difference (P〈0.001) between relapsed group and the control. Furthermore, relapse in retreatment group was late relapse but early-medium relapse in the control. Conclusions It was demonstrated that retreatment can greatly reduce the risk of early-medium relapse in DDS-cured patients, and was accepted easily. Due to late relapse, leprosy control is a long-time mission.
出处 《世界感染杂志》 2008年第4期272-275,共4页 World Journal of Infection
关键词 麻风 复发 氨苯砜 复治 联合化疗 Leprosy Relapse Dapsone Retreat Multidrug therapy
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