
无线自组网与Internet互联方案比较 被引量:1

Comparison among Schemes of Interconnection of MANET and Internet
摘要 通过无线自组网路由协议与Internet路由协议的协作,移动节点可经由多跳与网关节点通信,从而实现移动节点与Internet互联。首先分析了自组网与Internet互联所面临的困难,然后详细比较了多种已有的互联方案,从寻址、网关带宽瓶颈、路由复杂性及组播等方面进行了对比分析,最后总结了各种方案的性能特点和适用场景,并展望了该领域的进一步研究方向。 By combining the routing protocols in MANET and Intemet, mobile nodes can communicate with the gateway through a multi-hop path and achieve interconnection of MANET and Internet. The difficulties of MANET and Internet intercormection are reviewed firstly. A comprehensive survey on schemes of the interconnection is given. By analyzing and comparing these schemes from the aspect of addressing, bandwidth bottleneck on gateway, routing complexity and multicast technology, we draw the conclusion on the characteristics and application range of these schemes, and the further research trend.
作者 熊健 向勇
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期26-30,共5页 Computer Science
关键词 自组网 互联 网关 MANET, Interconnection, Gateway
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