针对突发和周期信号并存的应用场景,提出了一种基于分簇结构的无线传感器网络混合调度MAC协议——CBPMAC/TFC(A Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Network MAC Protocol for the System with Burst and Peri-odic Signals/Based on TDMA,FDMA,CSMA)。簇间采用基于FDMA的调度机制,簇内采用基于TDMA和CSMA的联合调度机制。提出了以簇头为基准的相对时间同步机制,同步精度为一个帧周期的时钟漂移。给出了基于能量阈值的簇头轮换策略和基于侦听的故障处理策略。理论分析和实验结果表明:CBPMAC/TFC协议在响应实时性和能量有效性方面介于CSMA和TDMA之间,与CSMA相比,在损失一定突发信号响应实时性的情况下,节省能耗18.7%;与TDMA相比,在改善突发信号响应实时性的情况下,损失能耗23.6%。
For the application scene with both burst signals and periodic signals, this paper proposes a cluster-based hybrid scheduling MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks CBPMAC/TFC(A Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Network MAC Protocol for the System with Burst and Periodic Signals/Based on TDMA, FDMA,CSMA). Among different clusters,a FDMA scheduling mechanism is adopted. In clusters, a coordinate Scheduling mechanism based on TDMA and CSMA is adopted. For the requirement of synchronization, a cluster-head-based relative time synchronization mechanism is proposed. The synchronization precision is the clock drifting of a sampling period. In addition, an energyaware cluster-head alternation strategy and a listening-based disposal strategy for malfunctions are introduced. Analysis and test results show that CBPMAC/TFC is a compromise proposal. Compared with CSMA, CBPMAC/TFC will lose some real-time response for burst signals, but can save energy consumption by 18. 7%. Compared with TDMA, CBPMAC/TFC may consume more energy by 23.6 %, but can improve real-time response for burst signals .
Computer Science