We show that entanglement concentration of unknown atomic entangled states is achieved via the implementation of entanglement swapping based on Raman interaction in cavity QED. A maximally entangled state is obtained from a pair of partially entangled states probabilistically. Due to Raman interaction of two atoms with a cavity mode and an external driving field, the influence of atomic spontaneous emission has been eliminated. Because of the virtual excitation of the cavity mode, the decoherence of cavity decay and thermal field is neglected.
We show that entanglement concentration of unknown atomic entangled states is achieved via the implementation of entanglement swapping based on Raman interaction in cavity QED. A maximally entangled state is obtained from a pair of partially entangled states probabilistically. Due to Raman interaction of two atoms with a cavity mode and an external driving field, the influence of atomic spontaneous emission has been eliminated. Because of the virtual excitation of the cavity mode, the decoherence of cavity decay and thermal field is neglected.
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 10574052 and 60778005.