We report the experiment results and data analyses based on a polaron exchange model for La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 and Pr0.7(Sr1-xCax)0.3MnO3 epitaxial thin films. In the polaron exchange model with an energy balance condition, critical temperature of Tc for stable ferromagnetic (FM) ordering should depend on △E as kBTc = E0 exp(-△E/kBTc), where A E denotes the potential barrier for the exchange polarons to overcome. Using the small polaron hopping model, the resistivity peak temperature Tp is a function of the hopping energy Ehop. The dependence of Tp on Ehop is similar to the dependence of Tc on AE, which reveals that the polaron exchange relates to FM and insulator-metal transitions. The result indicates that the polaron exchange model is a simple way for describing the FM ordering, and is very helpful for understanding of complex doped manganites.
We report the experiment results and data analyses based on a polaron exchange model for La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 and Pr0.7(Sr1-xCax)0.3MnO3 epitaxial thin films. In the polaron exchange model with an energy balance condition, critical temperature of Tc for stable ferromagnetic (FM) ordering should depend on △E as kBTc = E0 exp(-△E/kBTc), where A E denotes the potential barrier for the exchange polarons to overcome. Using the small polaron hopping model, the resistivity peak temperature Tp is a function of the hopping energy Ehop. The dependence of Tp on Ehop is similar to the dependence of Tc on AE, which reveals that the polaron exchange relates to FM and insulator-metal transitions. The result indicates that the polaron exchange model is a simple way for describing the FM ordering, and is very helpful for understanding of complex doped manganites.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 50631160083.