

Application of Medpor in restoration of craniofacial contour deformities
摘要 目的探讨多孔高密度聚乙烯(Medpor)在颅面部凹陷畸形综合修复中的应用效果。方法对先天性或外伤后颅面部凹陷及缺损畸形37例应用Medpor结合其他措施进行综合修复。其中外伤性凹陷畸形29例,进行性半侧颜面萎缩6例,下颌角发育不良2例,通过观察并发症发生情况和满意度调查,确定Medpor在颅面凹陷畸形综合修复中的应用效果。结果临床随访3个月至4年,患者术后外形良好,无自觉不适症状,无感染、排异等并发症,置入物稳定,均满意或比较满意。结论Medpor是颅面骨性凹陷性畸形修复的较理想填充材料,结合其他方法可以使面部轮廓得以改善,获得良好的治疗效果。 Objective To explore the effects of Medpor in surgical treatment of craniofacial depressed deformities. Methods Combining with other surgical methods, 37 patients with craniofacial depressed deformities were treated with Medpor, Of them, 29 cases of craniofacial depression and defects subjected to trauma, 6 eases were progressive facial hemiatrophy and 2 case were angle of mandible deformity. All were followed up from three months to four year. Results Facial configurations and functions of all the 37 cases were greatly improved after the treatment, without any complication of infection or rejection: patients were all very satisfactory or relatively satisfied with the results, Conclusion Med- por is an ideal implant material to correct the deformity of caraniofacial, and combining with others methods, the treatment of caraniofacial deformity can obtain good results.
出处 《中华医学美学美容杂志》 2008年第4期243-245,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology
关键词 颅面骨 凹陷畸形 缺损 多孔高密度聚乙烯 Craniofacial bone Deformity Defect Medpor
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