
简化理论研究液态包层通道插件流体MHD效应 被引量:4

A simplified theoretical study on MHD flow with FCI in liquid metal blanket system
摘要 基于先前的普通管道中的MHD效应的实验结果和质量守恒定律(或液态流体不可压缩原理)、洛仑磁力定律和电荷守恒定律,再利用有源网络等效方法,发展出一种简化而有效的分析带通道插件(FCI)管道的磁流体动力学(MHD)效应的方法。简化理论预测结果表明:采用FCI可有效地降低MHD压降;FCI的电导率存在一个临界值时,当大于这个值时,中心区流速将小于边界区流速;管道结构、FCI电导率、液态金属种类等存在着一个最佳组合参数,能最有效地减少MHD压降。 Based on the previous MHD duct flow experiments, the law of mass conservation, the law of charge conservation and the Lorentz force as well as the principle of equivalent circuit, a simplified theoretical method to analysis MHD effect of duct with FCI is developed. The result shows that FCI can reduce MHD pressure drop efficiently; there is a critical electric-conductivity that when the FCI electric-conductivity is higher than this value the velocity in the core region will be lower than that at the boundary; there is also an optimized parameter-combination of duct geometry, FCI electric-conductivity and liquid-metal material for the MHD pressure drop reduced efficiently.
出处 《核聚变与等离子体物理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期205-208,共4页 Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics
基金 国家自然科学自然基金资助项目(10775042)
关键词 液态包层 通道插件 MHD效应 Liquid metal bianket FCI MHD effect
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