

Speech Steganography with Human Auditory System in DCT
摘要 基于人耳听觉掩蔽效应,文章提出了在DCT域实现信息嵌入的新算法。文中选用中低频14~16Bark中,在掩蔽阈值以下的频率分量作为嵌入点,对该嵌入点的DCT系数以一定嵌入强度作修改来实现秘密信息的嵌入。嵌入强度则由DCT系数的统计特性来确定。文章选用语音信号为宿主载体,经过仿真实验证明,带有秘密信息的载体与原始载体无听觉差异,在无攻击情况下,可以很好地提取嵌入信息;在经过滤波、加噪等攻击后,依然可以较好地提取秘密信息。 According to human auditory masking effect, a novel algorithm for information hiding in DCT domain is designed and implemented in this paper. Choosing the frequency from 14 to 16 Bark as the embedding positions which is below the masking threshold,this paper changes the DCT coefficient with the certain strength of the embedded which is determined by the statistic of the DCT coefficient. With the choice of the speech signal as the carry signal, the experiment results show the speech, which is embedded with secret information,is similar with the original signal. It can be pick - up the secret information well under no attacks and also strongly robust to filter,to add noise and so on.
作者 何松
出处 《常州工学院学报》 2008年第4期54-58,共5页 Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology
关键词 隐写术 DCT 掩蔽阈值 语音信号 steganography DCT masking threshold speech signal
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