
再论科学主义心理学的人文缺失 被引量:1

On the deficiency of Humanism in Modern Psychology
摘要 自科学心理学诞生以来,心理学研究的科学主义取向越来越明显。科学主义取向的心理学为心理学的独立和发展做出了重大贡献,但也给心理学带来了弊端,导致了心理学研究的人文缺失。主要表现为学科性质的人文缺失;人性观的人文缺失;研究对象的人文缺失;研究目的的人文缺失;研究法则的人文缺失。 Since the birth of modern psychology, the scientific approach to psychology become more and more evident. The scientific approach to psychology has made a great contribution to the independence and development of psychology, but it has also brought a lot of shortcomings for psychology, result in the deficiency of humanism in psychological research. The manifestations are: the humanistic deficiency of the nature of the discipline; the humanistic deficiency of the human nature; the humanistic deficiency of the research object; the humanistic deficiency of the nature of the discipline; the humanistic deficiency of the research purpose and the humanistic deficiency of the research principle.
作者 许波 钟暗华
出处 《心理研究》 2008年第3期7-10,共4页 Psychological Research
关键词 现代心理学 科学主义 人文缺失 modern psychology scientific approach deficiency of humanism
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