WebQuest is a teaching mode blending topical study and information technology. How well do teachers understand and implement WebQuest? What kind of difficulties have they experienced? With these questions in mind, the authors took the case of 10 teachers, teaching Chinese, Maths, Education, etc., from primary and middle schools in Hongkong as the subjects. In order to strengthen the reliability, seven researchers used a case study protocol to coordinate disagreements among themselves. Data were collected through two observations of actual classroom activities using WebQuest, mainly to find out how teachers implement WebQuest, and two vaguely structured interviews after the class, mainly to find out how teachers think of WebQuest and what kind of difficulties they have experienced. The study shows that teachers are not clear about WebQuest's educational rationale and they experience difficulties in designing and implementing the course and in learner assessment as well. Few teachers demonstrate understanding in accordance with WebQuest's educational rationale, while most teachers simply follow the basic technological procedures, with a few only presenting web resources. Hence, change of teachers' ideas would be an urgent need to help them ease out difficulties in implementing WebQuest.
Chinese Journal of Distance Education