目的:比较经腹体表超声(transabominal scan TAS)与经阴道超声(transvaginal scan TVS)的优势与局限性,探讨超声在监测排卵中的价值。材料与方法:对794例女性不孕症患者,同时接受TAS、TVS检查及雌激素、尿促黄体生成素(luteinizing hormone LH)、比林斯排卵法规则、基础体温法等其它方法监测排卵,以"其它"方法确定排卵为准。结果:单用TAS监测排卵的符合率62%,单用TVS监测排卵符合率93%,TAS+TVS符合率高达100%。结论:TAS+TVS监测排卵可利用各自的优势,取长补短,提高准确率。
Purpose: To compare the advantages and limitations between TAS and TVS and to evaluate the value of ultrasonic wave in the supervision of ovulation. Materials and Methods: TAS and TVS examinations were given to 794 women with infertility. Simultaneously, The ovulation of the same group was monitored through other methods like estrogen, Luteinizing hormone, roles of the Billings ovulation method and basal body temperature. The results of the "other methods" were set as a standard. Results: The conformity rate of simply using TAS to monitor ovulation was 62 percent. The conformity rate of simply using TVS was 93 percent. The conformity rate of the combined use of TAS and TVS was up to 100 percent. Conclusion: The combined use of TVS and TVS to monitor ovulation can take advantage of their respective strengths and compensate for their own weaknesses, to increase accuracy.
Modern Medical Imageology