
自我管理:远程自主学习的基本能力 被引量:21

Self-management:the Essential Abilities of Distance Self-regulated Learning
摘要 自我管理是高阶能力的重要组成部分。在远程学习中,有效的自我管理是确保学习者成功开展自主学习的基本能力。为促进远程学习者自我管理能力的发展,本文在整合国内外相关资料的基础上,阐述了自我管理的定义、构成与意义,分析了自我管理型学习者的基本特征,归纳了远程学习中自我管理的原则,论述了远程学习中自我管理的十大基本内容。 Self-management is one of the important components of higher-order abilities. In distance learning, effective self-management is the essential abilities of the learner to do self-regulated learning successfully. In order to promote the self-managed abilities of distance learners, this paper discusses the definitions, components and significance of self-management, as well as the characteristics of the self-managed learner, also concludes the principles of self-management and discusses the main fields of self-management in distance learning, based on the integration of relevant researches both at home and abroad.
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2008年第4期29-36,共8页 Journal of Distance Education
关键词 远程学习 自我管理 特征 原则 内容 方法 Distance learning Self-management Characteristics Principle Fields Methods
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