
基于马尔科夫链的网络控制系统调度 被引量:2

Scheduling for NCS Based on Markov Chain
摘要 网络控制系统数据包的丢失将导致控制系统性能下降与网络资源利用率降低。以马尔科夫链对网络控制系统的数据包丢失时延进行动态预测,并将它作为网络利用率的一个重要参数,利用反馈原理动态地调整网络控制系统控制任务周期,在线分配网络资源,实现调度与控制的集成,提高了网络资源的利用率与控制系统性能,仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。 The data packet dropout degrades the performance and network utilization of networked control system. The Markov chain is proposed to model the networked control system, to predict the delay and packet loss rate as an important parameter of the quality of service. Based on the dropout rate, a feedback scheduler Js used to adjust the sampling periods for tasks of Networked Control Systems(NCS) and network resources. The integrated control-scheduling is realized and the total control performance is optimized. The emulation result shows it is effective.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第18期140-141,144,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60573123)
关键词 数据包丢失 马尔科夫链 反馈调度 丢包率 packet losses Markov chain feedback scheduling dropout rate
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