
写字楼租金差异的特征价格分析--基于杭州的实证研究 被引量:5

Hedonic Price Analysis of Office Rent:A Case Study for Hangzhou
摘要 写字楼作为商业地产的重要组成,已成为当前投资开发的热点,写字楼租金的研究也越来越具有实践意义。本文在文献回顾的基础上,采用特征价格方法,对我国浙江省杭州市写字楼市场进行实证研究。研究结果表明,距市中心距离/次级市场、建筑年龄、建筑形象等因素对写字楼租金具有显著影响,但影响机理异于国外的经验研究;建筑面积、楼层数等变量的影响不显著,这也异于已有的经验研究。后续研究可从研究对象、研究样本、变量选取与度量等方面深入改进。 Office market is booming in China today,which makes office rent research an important and urgent issue. This paper reviews the literature of office rent determinants. Based on physical and locational characteristics,it employs a hedonic model to study empirically the office market of Hangzhou. The results show that location,building age, building image etc. significantly affect office rent of Hangzhou, which in a way is different from the western empirical results. Finally,it tries to explain these differences and proposes some suggestions for future researches.
出处 《技术经济》 2008年第9期29-33,共5页 Journal of Technology Economics
关键词 写字楼 租金 微观因素 特征价格模型 杭州 office building rent micro-determinant hedonic price model Hangzhou
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