ADO.NET是一组向.NET程序员公开数据访问服务的类,是一个具有互操作性且伸缩性强的数据访问体系结构。以VB.NET为编程语言,系统、实例化地介绍ADO.NET对SQL Server数据库的连接方法,并对常用数据访问技术(如添加、删除、更新等)进行归纳介绍,为初学者提供参考。
ADO. NET is a class which is used to open Data SQL Sever to. NET programmer, and it is a data access architecture which has interoperability and fine scalability. In the paper,VB. NET as programming language, the connect technique that ADO. NET to SQL Server database is introduced systematically. At the same time, some simple data access techniques (for example,adding, deleting, updating and etc. ) are introduced to offer help to the beginner.
Modern Electronics Technique