
深圳市急救网络医院2002—2004年创伤患者院前死亡情况分析 被引量:1

Analysis on pre-hospital deaths of tranma patients in Shenzhen Emergency Network Hospitals
摘要 目的分析2002—2004年深圳市创伤院前急救的时效关系,以期降低死亡率。方法选择2002—2004年67个急救网络医院经电话呼救创伤院前死亡患者的资料,用Foxpro6.0软件建数据库,用SPSS11.0软件进行分析。结果2002—2004年全市院前呼救创伤患者共161364例次,死亡3967例(院前和院内);院前死亡分别为360,528和645例,占当年所有创伤急救死亡总数的32.57%、37.69%和44.15%;院前死亡率分别为1.15%、0.88%和0.99%;死亡年龄分别为(29.04±13.98)岁、(27.84±18.54)岁和(29.25±17.06)岁;男/女构成比分别为79.17/20.83、77.65/22.35、71.63/28.37;交通伤/非交通伤构成比分别为48.33/51.67、26.14/73.86和37.98/62.02;救护车院内反应中位数时间分别为2,2和1min;到达现场中位数时间分别为5,8.5和7min;往返医院中位数时间分别为15,35和30min。结论深圳市院前创伤死亡患者数量有增加趋势,其中交通伤构成比和死亡率有下降趋势,院前创伤死亡平均年龄较全市所有急救患者死亡年龄的平均值低10岁。救护车院内反应时间加快,但到达现场时间和往返时间延长。 Objective To understand time-effect relationship in prehospital emergency care of trauma patients so as to cut down mortality. Methods The data of pre-hospital deaths of trauma patients were collected from 67 Shenzhen Emergency Network Hospitals during 2002-2004 and input into a database established by using Foxpro 6.0. Then, the data were analyzed by software SPSS 11.0. Results A total of 161 364 trauma patients received prehospital emergency call service during 2002-2004 and 3 967 patients died prehospital or in hospital. There were 360,528 and 645 trauma patients died prehospital in 2002, 2003 and 2004 respectively, accounting for 32.57% , 37.69% and 44.25% respectively of whole trauma emergency patients in corresponding year. In 2002, 2003 and 2004 respectively, pre-hospital mortality was 1.15% , 0.88% and 0.99% , ratio of male to female 79.17/20.83, 77.65/ 22.35 and 71.63/28.37, the death age ( 29.04 ± 13.98 ), ( 27.84 ± 18.54 ) and ( 29.25 ± 17.06 ) years old, ratio of traffic trauma to non-traffic trauma 48.33/51.67, 26.14/73.86 and 37.98/62.02, the median response time of ambulance in hospital 2, 2 and 1 minute, the median time of ambulance arriving at the accident scene 5, 8.5 and 7 minutes and the median time of ambulance to and fro was 15, 35 and 30 minutes. Conclusions There is a tendency that the number of the pre-hospital deaths of trauma patients increases, but that the ratio of traffic to non-traffic trauma and mortality decrease. The average age of dead trauma patients is 10 years younger than that of whole emergency patients in the city of Shenzhen. The response time of ambulance in hospital shortens, but the time of ambulance arriving accident scene and to and fro time of ambulance prolong.
出处 《中华创伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期736-739,共4页 Chinese Journal of Trauma
基金 深圳市卫生局指令项目(深卫医发[2003]24号、[2004]90号、[2005]24号) 深圳市科技计划资助项目(200404163) 志谢石平、朱虹、赵伟、简洁、谢建琴、赵小斐、韩春艳、严吉祥、谢旭、孙安琼、张文武、高翔、王苏、毛志森、王合金、周承敦、郭有生、魏衍召、刘秀云、王伟娜、王宁、黄捷、陈日新、陈小凡、何小平、周小华、曾仲意、孙伟、汪润民、陈劲松、周泽强、杨径、孙大勇等领导和专家参加了调查工作.各区卫生局和各急救网络医院对调查给予了大力支持和帮助.在此一并致谢!
关键词 创伤与损伤 急救 流行病学 死亡率 Wounds and injuries First aid Epidemiology Mortality
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