
钢框架半刚性连接的曲线拟合模型 被引量:2

Fitting model of the semirigid connection curve on steel frame
摘要 介绍了梁柱半刚性连接的性质和半刚性连接M-rθ曲线模拟方法,简要阐述了国内外半刚性连接的研究状况,指出我国现行《钢结构设计规范》中存在的不足,有必要在半刚性连接方面进行系统而深入的研究,并在规范中加以体现。 The characteristics of beam and column semirigid connection, the titting method ot semirigid connection M- θ curve and the research status on the semirigid connection in foreign countries are introduced in this paper and some problems appeared in our country's 《Code for design of steel structures》 are pointed out too. So it' s necessary to do further research on the semirigid connection and the research achievement should be enriched into the design standard.
出处 《青海大学学报(自然科学版)》 2008年第4期1-5,共5页 Journal of Qinghai University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50378078) 西宁建筑科技大学
关键词 钢框架 半刚性 连接模型 弯矩-转角曲线 steel frame semirigid connection model moment - rotation curve
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