

Approach on the Pathogenesis of XX/XY True Hermaphroditism in Pig
摘要 供试真两性畸形猪表型雌性,有不规则的雌性情期.该猪为38,XX/XY嵌合体.X染色质阳性率30.66%.左侧阴囊内为卵睾,卵巢表面有发育成熟的滤泡,睾九曲细精管内无精子,Leydig细胞被结缔组织替代;右侧卵睾隐于腹腔内,睾丸曲细精管缺如,Leydig细胞增多,卵巢发育良好.在发情周期中雌激素(E)和睾酮(T)呈规律性波动.在连续5周的血样分析中,血浆T含量高出雌性对照一倍,与雄性对照差异不显著(P>0.05);血浆E含量与雌雄对照差异均极显著(P<0.01).给予LH负荷后,血浆T2小时达峰值,是注射前的近5倍;第3小时降至基础值.本研究通过对真两性畸形猪卵巢的发生和性染色体嵌合型以及性激素和副性器官分化的分析,探讨了性别畸形发病机理的部分问题. The true hermaphroditism of pig was studied. The phenotype of the pig showed predominant female features, and had an irregular estrus cycles. By cytogenctics investigation of lymphocyte chromosome, the pig showed 38, XX/XY chimacra.X chromatin positive cells were 30.66%, .The left scrotum was full of ovotestis and uterine horn, the surface of this ovotestis's ovary had some developed oocyst, interstitial cells in ovary developed well; the seminiferous tubules expanded, had not spermatozoa in it. Leydig cells were replaced by fibrous tissue. The right ovotestis was cryptorchid in abdominal cavity, had not seminiferous tubules, but Leydig cells developed well.In the estrous cycles, plasma testosterone (T) and estrogen (E) , of the pig were fluctuated regularly. The plasma T and E were estimated for five weeks serially. The plasma T of the pig was onefold higher than the control sow, but had nonsignificantly differentiation (p>0.05) than the control boar; the E was significantly differentiation (p<0.01) than the control sow and boar. After 2 hrs. of LH injection, plasma T of pig was fivefold as high as the basic level; after 3 hrs. the plasma T was decreased to the basic level. This paper revealed some aspects of pathogencsis of true hermaphroditism, through approaching on the formation of XX/XY chimaera, the genesis of ovotestis and the secretion of sexual hormoaes and its effects oa the differen tiation of gonophore of the pig.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1990年第1期105-110,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
关键词 真两性畸形 XX/XY嵌合体 Pig True hermaphroditism XX/XY chimaerd Ovotestis Testosterone Estrogen Leydig cell
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