On the morning of August 15, 2007, with a clear ring of gong, Wuxi Sunmart Holdings Pte Ltd officially got listed on the Singa- pore Stock Exchange. From this moment, a new member joined in'Jiangyin block'in Singapore. Following the successful listing of Yangtze Shipping and Junxin Science & Technology respectively in Singapore Stock Exchange and London Stock Ex- change, Wuxi Sunmart entered the stock market full of completion as a dark horse. The major leaders of Wuxi government, Zhu Minyang, Gao Pei and Zhang Shix- ian, all attended the Wuxi Sunmart's listing ceremony.
On the morning of August 15, 2007, with a clear ring of gong, Wuxi Sunmart Holdings Pte Ltd officially got listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. From this moment, anew member joined in "Jiangyin block" in Singapore. Following the successful listing of Yangtze Shipping and Junxin Science & Technology respectively in Singapore Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange, Wuxi Sunmart entered the stock market full of completion as a dark horse. The major leaders of Wuxi government, Zhu Minyang, Gao Pei and Zhang Shixian, all attended the Wuxi Sunmart's listing ceremony.