
论韩国在现代世界经济体系中地位的变迁 被引量:2

An Analysis on the Status Alteration of ROK in the Modern World-Economic-System
摘要 二战结束后,美国出于地缘政治战略考虑,把韩国纳入到现代资本主义经济体系,成为该体系的"边缘区";经过漫长的经济积累,在80年代末、90年代初,韩国终于进入"半边缘区",直至今日。目前,韩国在追赶美国、日本的同时,也在被"北方国家"追赶。在这种"多层追赶"的态势中,韩国必须寻找最佳的对策,确保并提升自己在现代世界经济体系中的地位。 After the World War Ⅱ ,the U.S. bring the South Korea into the modern world economic system according to geostrategy,ROK became an edge-area of the system consequently. Then, It turned into the semi 'edgearea at the end of 1980s or the beginning of 1990s by its hard work. In fact, the South Korea is running after Japan and the U.S. now, while it is run of by the north -country. Therefore,it must find the best way to insure and ele- vate its status in the modem world- economic- systems.
作者 刘相平
出处 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 2008年第5期85-91,共7页 Northeast Asia Forum
基金 教育部财政部"985工程"哲社创新基地"南京大学经济全球化与国际关系"项目
关键词 现代世界经济体系 韩国 “边缘区” “半边缘区” 经济全球化 区域经济一体化 Modern world economic systems ROK edge - area semi - edge - area economical globalization regional economical integration
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