
构建虚拟太阳天文台的中国数据结点 被引量:4

Construction of the Chinese Data-node System for Virtual Solar Observatory
摘要 随着不断对太阳展开多波段观测以及Web Services等新兴IT技术的应用,虚拟太阳天文台(VSO)应运而生。它基于Web Services技术,是解决异地异构海量多波段数据访问和获取的一种有效工具。在将VSO技术实现的方法引入中国天文界、空间物理、地球物理等领域的基础上,以怀柔太阳观测站(HSOS)为基点,设计了怀柔数据结点,并实现了与VSO系统的整合,为中国其他站点联入VSO提供了实例。 With the multi - waveband observation of the solar and "data avalanche" faced in astronomy and the application of information technologies such as Web Services, the Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) comes into being. Based on the Web Services, the VSO is an effective tool to resolve the query and download of complicated and abundant solar data. After introducing the implement technology of the VSO to Astronomical field, Spacial physics and Geophysics in China, taking Huairou Solar Observing Staion (HSOS) as an example, a data provider was designed and realized and integrated with the VSO, and this provides a useful instance for other data source about how to integrate with the VSO.
作者 刘健 林钢华
出处 《天文研究与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期241-247,共7页 Astronomical Research & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60673158) 863项目(2005AA732051)资助
关键词 天文学 虚拟太阳天文台 WEB SERVICES 分布式数据查询 astronomy Virtual Solar Observatory Web Services Distributed Query
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